Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Why your websites don’t work for you – Part 4

It’s time to make your websites work for you! Be it reducing bounce rate on websites, increasing attention span of visitors or converting visitors into users, as discussed in my earlier blogs, there is one common link that acts as a solution for these issues!

Making Your Website Work for You

Once you have identified the problem areas, it’s easier to narrow down to the solution. In web design, we need to primarily think about the visitor/user and why a person would even want to stay on your website.
A common thread to solve these problem areas is interactivity. Why interactivity? Well, let me do a quick check on this as well!

Let us see how we can resolve the problems discussed in the previous weeks with examples that reflect the solutions.

Overcoming High Bounce Rate with Interactivity

This website (above image) has successfully used a 3D flip book to present a company profile, its learning solutions, etc. The design is handled with great finesse as text is presented through an interactive flip book that helps to keep users on the page, which in turn reduces bounce rate! And yes, creating such 3D flip books is not as time consuming as you may think! Interactivity proves to bridge the gap between site visitors and website owners.

Increasing Attention Span of Visitors on Websites
A curiously simple yet interactive website, M studio has things right in place! It first holds attention of the website visitor with this interesting range of colors and panels. As you go through the site, the different sections of the site are revealed in association with the varied colors seen in the image. It makes the visitor explore it further. The rest of the sections are unfolded only when some action is performed on the site from the visitor. The information is interestingly presented through the creative use of Flash!

Turning Visitors into Users
As I mentioned in one of my earlier blogs, there is a need to convert visitors into users on websites. In the example above, the website includes an interesting mix of shopping products showcased through an interactive Panning Cards model. Here, the site owner would obviously want more and more visitors turning into a valued shopper for the site! The presentation of the products through Panning Cards is truly a boon for readers. They don’t have to scroll through long text description. Besides, the interactive model makes browsing easy and fun! The design appears inviting for a user to glance and begin exploring the site leading to an instant purchase after browsing through deals. Interactivity sure does play a major role out here!

Well, all said and done, apart from interactivity, an attractive web layout and good navigational elements, you also need a dash of creativity and passion for excellence. With a combination of all these elements, I know your websites will surely work for you! Do post your most creative inspirations.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why your websites don’t work for you – Part 3

For the last 2 weeks, we have taken a look at two basic problems in terms of websites and their design issues. Now, it’s time to tackle yet another common problem faced by webmasters.

Layouts That Don’t Turn Visitors into Users:
A website needs to be designed to convert visitors into users. This means your website should be able to convince a visitor to use your product, service or sign up on your website for any offer being displayed. Successful web design tackles the problems mentioned earlier which in turn gets a loyal fan following in terms of traffic. For example, if you have a product website, your casual visitor should be tempted into signing up for a product trial! Let us take a look at a website which offers various products to its visitors.

In this example, the website does have varied offers on products. However, visitors are not really motivated to sign up with such a site or explore the offers on display. The panels don’t seem very interesting, the coupons section appears cluttered and looking for information is a tedious job out here. The business of the website is clearly about selling DVDs. Here, it is of utmost importance that a casual visitor should turn into a user with the website. Isn’t this what web design should be all about?

Now, let us have a look at a website which is good in terms of its overall visual appeal, yet we will spot design issues out here.
In this website (seen in the above image), there are chances you may get lost! Well, there are few deals highlighted but the text and graphics do not really motivate a visitor to try something on the site. There is a need to reach out to maximum people due to the number of products. Yet, the website does not motivate a visitor to sign up or browse deals and turn into a user. I felt a little lost on this site but realized pretty much later it’s not just about computers but other products as well.

Let’s now move on towards solving both these web design related. Here lies the tricky part of converting visitors into users!

Ensuring Loyal Users

One slight trick can work like magic! Interactivity plays a major role out here as well! You can turn your visitors into users by highlighting the right elements through interactivity. In the first example given, the various offers on the DVDs can be better highlighted with interactivities such as 3D Flip Book. Users would enjoy the pleasure of virtually flipping through the book whilst reading about the product at the same time and leading to a sign up to purchase the product online. The second example can also be projected well with interactivities such as Countdown Timers or banners to bring user attention to an area. This not only increases curiosity of the users, the message can propel a person to sign up for a product trial or purchase!

As we can see in this series, these 3 common problems hinder the actual functioning of a website. By now, I am sure you are looking for a complete answer that will erase these issues! In that case, you need to watch this space next week to look up some interesting examples. Do feel free to share your websites as well!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Why your websites don’t work for you – Part 2

Last week, we took a look at increased bounce rate of visitors on websites. This week, I would like to turn the spotlight on another common issue faced by web designers.

Decreased Attention Span from Users:
Maybe your website did manage to sustain a user for a long duration yet there is no marked improvement in user-involvement on the site. Well, this is yet another common problem faced by webmasters. A visitor may casually browse through the site, but may not really participate in any activity. For example, a product site that has plenty of offers on display will not really benefit the site owner if the user does not click on the products/offers to explore it further.

In the above image, the website does not really capture user attention for any section. The headings are not catchy and the overall look of the website is text heavy. At one glimpse, it is not even successful in communicating what the website is all about. This is surprising considering it is about a web designing company! If user attention is not held out here, how will prospective clients even trust the company? A question best answered by them! The ‘Join the Mailing List’ section is hardly seen, so how will visitors participate in any activity on the site?

The above image is about a rental homes website. Yet, I somehow could not figure this out until I read the text. The elements do no justice to the topic. There are no offers or details mentioned to interest visitors. A poor design with no scope for any activity by visitors leads to further disinterest and disengagement. Apart from the design, there is also a need to attract user attention towards major highlights and offers or deals. This is when visitors will be most interested in a website.

At this point, you might wonder how this issue can be solved. How do we increase attention span of users? Continue reading for the solution.

Increasing Attention Span of Users

Interactivity…yes! Interactivity is the answer to all your questions.

Interactivity helps to grab attention of users. Someone casually visiting your website may stay longer if your offer is highlighted through a unique interactivity. An interactive banner can be placed in one section of the website to complement a balanced web design. The idea is to hold the attention of the user. Once the first step is achieved, the next steps follow. For example, a section of a website can be highlighted with an interactive Panning Cards model which helps to keep attention of a user in one area, delivering the message at the same time. The design should invite a person to explore the site.

I hope this has helped you to start thinking on what interactivity is all about and how to make the best use of it. My next blog would help you to get even more insights into interactivity and few more samples to different types of interactivity. I shall also tackle the 3rd and most common problem for webmasters. Till then, keep designing!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Why your websites don’t work for you – Part 1

It’s been a while since I actually penned down my thoughts, or should I say, typed voraciously into my keyboard! Well, all the while I have been hammered by questions from people who have the best website design yet don’t really have too many takers in terms of visitors. So, coming back to my favorite topic, web design, I came across this golden question voiced by webmasters - ‘Why your websites don’t work for you’. This series is planned in 4 parts. Here, we shall take a look at situation 1 out of 3 main problem areas with a detailed solution in my 4th blog of this series.

High Bounce Rate:
Why do visitors leave the website immediately from the page they land upon? There can be many reasons for the same. A cluttered website with too many elements such as graphics and animations can force a visitor to jump to another site. Navigational issue is another reason wherein visitors may jump to another site in the absence of a clear navigational structure. For example: an informative website will have users seeking authentic content. However, if the design and navigation does not direct the user appropriately, the obvious action would be to visit some other website.

In the above image, there is a heavy usage of color and graphics. As a user, it does not make one explore the site further. Imagine navigating through this website! Are you really motivated to stay on such a site? This is one of the main reasons why there is a high bounce rate of users.

This example (above image) is a sight to drive users….away instantly! Even if the website has interesting content, I wonder how many would read text out here. There is a heavy amount of text, images are sparse, the fonts are uneven in size and the overall look is messy. The rest, you can guess easily!

Overcoming High Bounce Rate
Engaging visitors on websites is an effective solution to reduce bounce rate. This does not mean you need to load websites with heavy graphics and animations! The effective use of interactivity helps to keep users on the page itself. Instead of using a web page like a complete creative canvas and ‘spilling’ your creativity on it, interactivity can be used to highlight areas of interest. A product portfolio can be showcased through interactivity such as 3D Flip Book. This will not only engage users on the page, it will also ensure your message reaches the target group effectively.

In our next blog post of the series, let us take a look at the second problem. I shall also dedicate one entire blog to present solutions of each problem with examples. (Make sure you don’t miss that!) Looking forward to hear from all budding web designers to know the kind of problems faced while designing a website.

Monday, May 10, 2010

How to Think Creative…Constantly!

Jack was on his usual walk this morning. Everything seemed to have a dull streak for him. The same old roads, the same people and even the same job! Jack was unable to motivate neither his team members nor himself. What he lacked was the knack of looking at the same thing with an optimistic approach!

We are all ‘Jacks’ at some point in our lives. We need to be creative to think creatively. Jack could have looked at the bright, beautiful skies which he failed to notice. He could have been inspired by the beautiful flowers on the sidewalks. The soft, lilting sound of the birds would have given him all the positive energy for the day. Yet, Jack suffered from depression.

Often artists/web designers/designers often come up to me and ask, “What should we do to be creative?” There is no fixed formula for the same. The trick lies in unleashing your creativity. We need to connect with nature and things around us. There is a need to be observant. Find your interests and pursue them. Only then can creativity reflect in one’s work!

A web designer once said, “I know software such as Photoshop or Flash, yet I am unable to create websites that are exclusive in design.” For this, I feel that there are many tools on the market to bring about that magical touch to websites. To use them to the fullest requires creativity in the mind. Ideas are the soul of any design and tools are useful to give shape to those ideas.

To think creatively, you need to free your mind…and your soul!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Why Site Maps Need a Revamp!

“Never solve a problem from its original perspective.” - Charles Thompson

That’s what I have been sharing with people around me. There are innumerable ways to look at the same situation. What seems as a humongous task may seem easy after you look at it from a different angle. Somehow, a problem may seem as a challenge only if you change your perspective!

The same thought process can be applied even in terms of design. An interesting thing about anything related to design is that one can have as many views as required for the same topic. Another unique point is that every individual has a different method of approach. This reveals many interesting options. Which is why, I come back to one point I have been pondering about, why can’t this be applied to web design as well?

Take for example site maps on websites. I have often observed how these are repetitive in terms of design. I agree ease of use is important, but surely there can be a better way of presentation! It should make a user want to browse the site.
On this note, I thought about creating something on my own to explain it better. Here’s my creation below. A little bit of Photoshop with website interactivity…that’s the key to visually enriching site maps!

(This interactivity is created with Raptivity Web Expert’s Site Booster Pack.)

In this example, I have attempted to design using food as a subject for the sample. What I have tried here is to bring attention to the important sections of the website. Many more sections can be added depending upon the design. This will not only make the section visually-appealing, it will also serve in making users browse the website.

I hope this example has given plenty of new ideas for your web design. Once your inspirations are ready, do share it with me too! It would help other readers as well as me, to find out about the many approaches towards web design.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Adding Spice to Websites!

There’s a lot that goes behind designing a website. It requires more than just designing and programming skills! In fact, the creation of a website should be done with ample amount of consideration and care, which involves thinking from the users’ point of view. One needs to bring together different ingredients for a creatively designed website that communicates the message effectively! In fact, the process is the same one goes through while whipping up a very sumptuous dish! What goes behind such a dish is the careful use of ingredients measured in the right proportion. Only then, can one enjoy a well-cooked meal!

Some of the main things required to be presented in a website are the company/service information; products and offers, contact information, etc. This is required to connect with users globally.

Through the Internet, users have easy access to information. They can access information such as their favorite brands, company, product, service, personality and lots more! The website then is the main medium of communication between a company and the user.

A creative web site requires a good balance between design and content. When words are supported with an attractive display of visuals, it engages the users of the website. Many successful websites are able to get visitors involved in one way or another. By making the website more engaging to visitors, you are more likely to get a high number of repeated visitors.
Even before a user reads the content of the website, it is the design and layout of the website which attracts the user. As the famous saying goes, “First impressions are the last impressions”, this holds true even in terms of websites. A content-rich website can drive away a user if it is not displayed properly.

Hence, a web site needs to first look attractive and engage users so that the whole experience of surfing through the site turns out to be an interesting one. Attractive panels, banners, color schemes, buttons, graphics etc., are some of the ways used to turn a website into a visually attractive place! Although a lot of effort is channelized in this direction, many web sites do not meet the expectations of the end users. Even if they attract users, it hardly generates interest to hold a users’ attention span for a long duration. This is when we come to the vital question, how do we add that right element of spice to a website?

Whip Up the Right Recipe!
Recipe No. 1: Interactivity is the Main Ingredient
Interactivity is about keeping the user on the page. Earlier, website designers used Flash to make a website appear attractive and interactive. However, adding Flash interactivity to a website would take days to program and customize, as per the website requirement. On the other hand, rapid interactivity, a new paradigm, allows web designers to add exciting interactivities to websites within a matter of minutes through simple customization.

Why interactivity? Interesting and interactive pages encourages users to stay on the page for a longer duration. This also gives the website owner enough time to convey a message across effectively.

In the above image, important action items have been grouped together. This interactive feature holds user attention in one area and makes a user perform an action. An attractive and interactive display ensures users spend time on the website exploring it further.

As seen in the above image, a site map which usually does not form as an attention-grabbing element has been used to capture attention. The site map highlights important sections of the website which makes it easier for a user to navigate. The visually pleasing elements stand testimony that site maps need not always be designed in a plain manner.

A product/service website usually declares special offers. For example, a special discount for only first hundred users on its website. These kind of special offers can be effectively shown using a peel banner as shown in the above image, which generates curiosity amongst users to explore what’s underneath the hood.

Creating such interactions does not require one to spend hours on programming using rapid interactivity! For many other interactivity ideas read the following blog post.
Using such rapid interaction creation technology, one can easily customize Flash interactivities through a template library. It not only brings about a fresh change in the way content is presented, it saves web designers those grueling hours spent on programming!

Recipe No. 2: Social Interaction is the Dessert!
A website with a fantastic design and layout can be useful only when it connects with its users effectively. The more people that connect and interact on the website, the better it is for you! Take for example, a product website. The moment such a website includes elements for social interaction; it will create a more loyal base of users. The inclusion of activities such as FAQs, Debates, Polls, Presentation Sharing, etc, will ensure users interact with each other. Besides, users of a particular product may even recommend the product to others. A user may even come up with valuable suggestions to be included in the product. The suggestions from users are very important as they are the users of your product or service. They can be the best one to suggest improvements or new features in your offerings. After all, co-creation is what every company would aim for from its users.

Isn’t it time you switch and try out these ingredients to spice up your websites? I am sure you will have a successful website with all these elements!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Beyond Attracting Users to Websites!

All creative geniuses always love to bask in the glory of being poles apart from the rest. However, in terms of web design, as you all agree, one needs to be creative knowing that the design has to communicate and convey the message effectively.

This is exactly the reason I have always felt the need to use website interactivity for web design. I am sure by now, just like thousands of web designers and developers worldwide, you have followed the benefits of website interactivity. This time round, I have yet another way of designing websites with interesting creative elements.

As a web designer, apart from attracting users to websites, it is also required to make the user perform an action on the page. Only then, can the message be communicated to the web visitor effectively. Let us take an example of a Page Peel Banner (see below). What I have here is an interactivity that is used effectively to present the company/brand. I thought of creating this sample so that you can know exactly why a Page Peel Banner can be an effective medium to present a message to users on the Internet.

The Page Peel banner attracts users and it also keeps them engaged on the site. As seen, a user has to peel off the first layer to know the complete information. When the first panel is peeled off, the second one is revealed below. This retains the interest of the user. In the example shown, the product information is presented through different slides to generate interest. The range is presented in panels with headings that catch attention, yet do not honestly reveal the details. The best part about this example is yet to be revealed! I took barely 10 minutes for the creation of the entire Page Peel banner - of course by using Raptivity Web Expert, the unique tool for interactive websites!

That’s what I call website interactivity with a difference! I feel, I had a great time designing without really spending a lot of time on Flash. Right now, I am looking forward to reading about your experiences in website design! Please do feel free to share your thoughts as well!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Next Level of Web Design

Web design is a topic that invites many ideas, from experts who know about designing and from those who may not even have a clue about design! There are different ways of looking at one subject and present it accordingly. A website about any topic can be presented in many ways. The best design though is one that has used all the elements in a proper way.
This is when I would like to introduce you to the next level of web design. It’s all about boosting your website to a new level. To understand this further, I can take up an example. This can give a clear picture about the new level I am about to put forth.

5 Ideas to Boost Your Website

Pay attention to details
To present your content and design in an effective way, you need to pay attention to the details. Take a shopping website for example. A shopping website that sells products can be more effective in reaching the target audience when it includes testimonials. If presented in a plain way, these will not gather attention. These testimonials if presented in a creative and interactive way will attract the attention of users and also increase the authenticity of the website and its products.

Enhance the finer points
After bringing attention to details, you also need to enhance the finer points. Here, we can take an example of a site map of any shopping website. There are many sites which do not pay attention to the design of site maps. In the case of a shopping website, the site map can be designed very creatively to make a user explore more!

Make users perform an action
A shopping website also needs action on part of the users. There is a need to capture the attention of the users and also make them perform an action. For this, one needs to consider the main action items. These should be in relation to each other. For example, the shopping website may have special designer collections. The tabs for these can be placed next to each other instead of a regular style of presentation. A users’ attention will be focused on one area when related action items are next to each other. A user will be able to view and refer to the related topics with great ease.

Present messages as teasers
It is not enough to only capture attention of the user. There is also the need of engagement on a website. This is why the way a message is presented is very important. For example, a simple banner that displays a message may not even increase interest amongst users. A shopping website will need to create action. A shopping offer can be presented in parts on a banner. The first message should catch the attention and the rest should follow accordingly. For example, a banner that can be peeled to reveal more information can be more effective to convey the message.

Highlight the urgency factor
This applies particularly to offers or contests that are a common feature on any site. In this case, since we are referring to a shopping website, we can take an example of a discount offer. Usually, an offer may be highlighted in one area of the website. Here, with website interactivity, the same offer can be highlighted with a timer that gives details of the offer in an attractive manner. A user will thus be able to see and view offer details easily which in turn proves to be beneficial for the website!
This new level of website interactivity is aimed to boost your site amongst users. I am sure you will find these ideas very useful for your web design.

View these ideas with these brand new Site Booster Samples